# The client

The client provides functionality to the app, like calling the load method on plugins, dismissing notifications, getting dismissed nontifications from storage or tracking internal state and emiting a callback to your application with updated data.

# Import the client

import Asd20NotificationsClient from '@asd20/notifications-client'

// Create the client
const myClient = new Asd20NotificationsClient()

# Using CDN in HTML/JS

    <script src="//unpkg.com/@asd20/notifications-client"></script>
      // Create the client
      const myClient = new Asd20NotificationsClient()

# Client Config

The client optionally accepts config as a paramiter, which allows you to specify plugins, a storage key for dismissed notifications, and a callback function that presents updated notification data.

  const myConfig = {
    // key for storage
    storageKey: string
    // default is a browser cookie
    storage: Storage
    // specify plugins, optional
    plugins?: NotificationsPlugin[]
    // callback function triggered everytime there is a data change. Exposes dismissedNotifications, activeNotifications and activeNotificationsByType
    onUpdate?(payload: NotificationsUpdatePayload): void
    // If set to true, automatically calls load method to get notifications.
    autoLoad: boolean

Pass config into client.

const config = {
  onUpdate(payload) {
    console.log('update', payload)
  plugins: [],
const client = new Asd20NotificationsClient(config)

# Client Methods

The client has useful methods to help provide basic functionality. Pugins, can overwite that default behavior with their own desired behavior, like providing their own dismiss function.

# Dismiss Method

The default or client dismiss method allows you to dismiss a notification, which will call the onUpdate callback if you have provided it, otherwise it will run the default update method.

# Update Method

The update method returns a payload of dismissedNotifications, activeNotifications and activeNotificationsByType. If dimissed notifications are changed, this also sets the storage.

# Dismiss All

Dismisses all notifications, sets them in storage.

# Clear Dismissions

Clear all the dismissed notifications so they all show up.

To specify api endpoints and map data to ui, see plugins