# Notification component data expectations

# The notification component expects a data object comprised of the following:

    id:  'a unique identification for each notificaiton',
    title: 'this title appears at the top of the notification',
    icon: 'displays an icon on the left side; available choices are: alert, chevron, close, danger, info, weather-snow, weather-sun',
    description: 'the notification description',
    callToActionUrl: 'a destination url for the call-to-action label below',
    callToActionLabel: 'a call to action that appears at the bottom of the notificaiton',
    dismissible: 'boolean that determines whether or not a notification can be dismissed',
    color: 'allows an alternate base color for the notification',
    notificationStyle: 'the style of the notification; available choices are: banner, in-line',
    importance: determines 'the color scheme of the notification; available choices are: emergency, alert, info'

# Example

    id: '907307e4-36ef-8640-74ff-c67e324201e7',
    title: 'All schools closed due to inclement weather',
    icon: 'weather-snow',
    description: 'Due to deteriorating weather conditions, all schools will be closed today.',
    callToActionUrl: 'https://www.yoururl.org',
    callToActionLabel: "Learn more",
    dismissible: true,
    color: '',
    notificationStyle: 'banner',
    importance: 'alert',

# Notification styles

  • Banner - notification content is placed inside a large container, normally placed at the top of the page
  • Inline - notification content is placed in a container that is inline with other page content
  • Floating - notifiation content is placed in floating containers above page content

# Notification importance

  • Emergency - red; banner background will be solid red background with white text, in-line will have a white background with a red icon
  • Alert - yellow; banner background will be solid yellow background with dark text, in-line will have a white background with a yellow icon
  • Info - blue/green; banner background will be solid blue/green background with white text, in-line will have a white background with a blue/green icon